Our sponsors

Dunlop Sports  Nova Insurance

Essex Tennis Partners and Donors

Partner Scheme

Essex Tennis is a voluntary ‘not for profit’ organisation. We strive to support registered tennis clubs, tennis providers and players in Essex and one of the ways in which we raise funds is through companies and individuals  who, through their generosity and continued support, enable us to continue with our endeavours.  We would like to say a big thank you to all of our Partners past and present for their invaluable and continued support.

If you are an individual or a company interested in our Partner Scheme and would like to find out more, please contact Celine Rogers.

Donors (formerly Patrons)

We are incredibly thankful to all the people who have supported our successful County by subscribing to the Essex Tennis Patrons Club.

We continue to use all funds that the County Association raises from our volunteer activities to benefit tennis in the County and we are extremely grateful to the many Patrons who have included a donation with their subscription.

From 2023 the LTA has implemented changes to the Championship (Wimbledon) benefits available to Patrons who have supported the County, subsequently the Essex Patrons Scheme no longer exists together with the way that Patrons could make a meaningful contribution to Essex Tennis.  However there have been a number of ex Patrons Club Members who have decided to make a donation to Essex Tennis and we are very grateful to those patrons.

If you would like to know what we do at Essex Tennis and how we utilise our funds please take a look at the document below or if you would further information on how to make a donation please e mail Joanne White at  joanne@essextennis.org.uk.

An easy way to keep up to date is to click the Facebook link  on our website  https://www.facebook.com/Essexlta/ to see the up-to-date Essex Tennis news.